“Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.”
Psalm 51:12
Challenges and uncertainties of life can attempt to make us lose sight of the joy that comes from the Lord. Yet, the Scripture reminds us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Therefore, we are encouraged to hold fast to joy, even amid trials and difficulties.
When we hold onto our joy, we testify to the faithfulness of God in our lives. Our joy becomes a beacon of hope to others, pointing them to the source of our strength. It is a sign of our trust in God’s provision, and a reflection of our gratitude for His countless blessings.
Choosing joy is not a denial of the struggles we face, but rather a declaration of our confidence in God’s sovereignty. It is a decision to focus on the promises of God, rather than being consumed by our circumstances. Despite the storms that may come our way, let us not lose our joy, because as we cling to the joy of the Lord, we find ourselves empowered to face each day with renewed courage and tenacity. Let us, therefore, keep in mind that our hope is deeply rooted in the unchanging nature of our Heavenly Father.
Charge: Allow the joy of the Lord to be your strength through every season.
Further Study: Psalm 13:5, 16:11, 126:5-6; Nehemiah 8:10; Romans 15:13; Philippians 4:4.
Today, go into His house and the new week with joy; for His joy is your strength!