Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.”
Psalms 103:2

Have you ever come across an old notebook where you wrote out certain prayer points or things you desired, and you look at your life now and it leaves you amazed because they have come to pass?

On the other hand, have you ever come across something you wrote where you were wishing hard for something, and years later, you go, “God forbid this! I asked for this?!”

Today’s devotional is a reminder that we must consciously count our blessings. And where we have previously learned to count prayers that were answered, we must also learn to count the ones that God heard but did not give us. This is because, years down the line, we’re the ones who are thankful that certain prayers were not answered.

Open your eyes to see the workings of God in your life. Acknowledge the fact that your prayers were answered. Acknowledge the fact that you can now see how wise God is when He did not give you certain things you asked for. This helps your faith. It helps you trust that God has you covered. It helps you let go and enables you to allow God. Remember, dear Christian, to count your blessings always.


1. Thank you Lord, for watching over me; thank you for arranging my life; thank you for the plans you have for me; thank you for saving me from myself.

2. Lord Jesus, help me always to submit to your perfect plans.

3. Dear Father, I am sorry for the ways I acted when I didn’t understand why you didn’t answer those prayers I desired. Please, open the eyes of my understanding that I may see the way you see in Jesus’ name. Amen.

This message serves as a reminder of God’s love and guidance in our lives. May it enrich your spiritual journey. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, and for more resources to support your spiritual growth, click here.

Wishing you a wonderful day ahead!

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One Comment

  1. Amen.
    We are always surrounded by God’s blessings even though we are sometimes blind to them.
    Thank you.

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