“Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”

Matthew 5:23


This passage shows just how much importance the Lord places on reconciliation. Where one would expect that He should ask us to graciously accept the offender’s apologies when it is offered, He goes even a step further.

He says that if you remember that your brother has something against you—now, it might be that you were the one who has been offended, but as long as you are aware of the possibility that the other party might have something against you (even if you’re innocent)—you’re to leave all you are offering at that moment (even if it is the biggest service one can render to God), then go and seek reconciliation.

Imagine being so hurt and having to be the first to apologise. That is exactly what Christ requires of us. He expects us to be the peacemakers. He expects us to be the ones who are willing to lay our pride down, and humble ourselves even in situations that are apparently undeserving. Remember what Jesus said on the cross when He was crucified by those He came to save? (Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing). What an example !

As much as it hurts our ego to take this path the Lord has set before us, it is something that must be done. Think of how the other person will see Christ being reflected in you. That’s an opportunity to glorify Jesus right there. Think of the fact that you have deliberately put your flesh to death. That’s you growing in grace and shaming the devil right there. Think of the fact that you have granted the Holy Spirit deeper access to your heart by this act of obedience. That’s deeper fellowship right there. Think of the peace and joy that comes after. That’s love in action right there.

All these benefits at the cost of swallowing your pride for a moment. It seems absurd to let pride or ego deprive you of all these. So, if in the course of reading this, someone crossed your mind, it is time to go and reconcile. Like the scripture said, drop all you are doing, or whatever you are offering and seek reconciliation. It may not be easy, but ask for God’s help and readily forgive the person before going to them. God bless you as you take this bold and peaceful step.


1. Lord, help my heart to submit to your will and instructions no matter how absurd they may come.

2. Father, I ask for the grace to humble myself. Help me to realise that a small dose of humility can go ahead to reap so much fruit.

3. Give me the grace, oh Lord, to always seek peace with all men and readily reconcile and forgive even if the other person isn’t forthcoming.

This is our message for today, and we hope you were blessed. We’d also love to hear from you; please comment below.

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Have a blessed day!

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    1. Amen in Jesus’ name. Indeed, we can’t afford to allow unforgiveness steal our joy, peace and all that the Lord has in store for us away. May God continue to help us in Jesus’ name

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