“He does not delight in the strength of the horse; He takes no pleasure in the legs of a man. The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him, In those who hope in His mercy.” Psalms .147:10-11

Do you know how impressive it is to achieve a feat in your own strength? To be able to boast and proclaim, “I did this, myself!”. There’s this sense of accomplishment that comes with being the hero of any story and the applause and admiration that comes with being acknowledged as the hero.

That is why, as humans, our first option is always to look for how we can solve it ourselves. We want to show how mighty we are; we want to show everybody that we’ve got it covered. It’s just our human inclination. And, when we cannot handle things, our second option is to look for the help of man—at least that way, we get commended for having certain kinds of people in our circle.

When everything else has failed, we probably remember God and turn to Him, saying, “Lord, you are my last option at this point if you don’t help me…” But does God want to be your last option? Does He want you to rely on your strength first and only come knocking at his door when it fails? Does He like being treated as if there’s no need for Him except that you have nowhere else to go? Is God glorified in this at all?

The passage above tells us that God takes no pleasure in our natural strength. It doesn’t impress Him at all. He is more impressed by the one who has learnt to hope in His mercy. The one whose heart says, “Lord, I need your strength, wisdom, and guidance. I do not trust my strength. I do not want to follow my natural wisdom; please guide me, Father.”

Now, that delights Him endlessly. He wants us to look up to Him in reverent fear and adoration as our only source of hope and the first and only point of call. Therefore, we must have the mindset of “If God does not help me, there’s nowhere else I can go”. This mindset ensures that we stay at His feet until we receive what we seek because we’re not interested in any other solution.

Remember, Heaven does not help those who help themselves. God helps those who seek His help.


  1. Lord, please, help my heart understand that it is futile to rely on my strength.
  2. Father, give me the grace to seek and wait upon you until you come in your glory.
  3. Dear Lord, I ask for forgiveness for the pride of thinking you are impressed when I try to handle things myself. Instead, please help me to rely on your mercy.

This is our message for today, and we hope you were blessed. We’d also love to hear from you; please comment below.

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Stay blessed!

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  1. Thank you for this word!

    I’ve a question

    How do I seek God in all I do since God cannot come down in human form to help. We all know God uses men to do his things here on earth. So how I know this is God doings and not man so I don’t share His Glory? I hope I make sense.thank you

    1. Thanks for this wonderful question. If you read the devotional well, you will realise that your question has actually been answered. By trusting Him completely and following His precept. When we follow His word and voice daily, we would realise how easy and pleasant it is to seek God. Besides, God wants to deal with us all differently, so it is best to actually have a personal relationship with Him so as to know the best way to seek Him.

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