“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”
Ephesians 5:15-16
Redeeming the time simply means making the best use of time. How well have you been using your allotted time? God has given us a unique time here on earth; He expects that we use the time for eternal value. We have been called and chosen by God to represent and replicate Christ on earth. But have we really been faithful to this call? Wherever we function or coordinate, either as a family member, co-worker, volunteer, entrepreneur or influencer, we should make good use of time.
God does not place us in a position or location by mistake, He intentionally establishes us for His purpose and glory. Are you fulfilling that purpose to the glory of God? Remember the parable of the talents; there was a time when the three servants received talents from their master, and a time came for them to account for it.
Beloved, this present time is full of distractions aimed at wasting the time of believers. Today’s devotional admonishes us to cautiously make good use of time by being focused and productive. May the Lord help us to be faithful stewards of time with eternity in view in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Charge: Only time spent on activities pleasing to God has eternal value; all other is wasted.
Further Study: Ecclesiastes 3: 1-15.
Happy first weekend in 2025. May we witness the last and more.