“And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens.” Ezra 9:6


Today’s message draws much attention to Jesus’ sacrifice, and the need to remind ourselves of how He first took responsibility for our sin and iniquities. As we look at the account of the confessions of Ezra from the preceding verses of today’s text, we are yet again reminded to emulate this posture of taking responsibility. Ezra not only confessed his sins but also took it upon himself to acknowledge and confess the sins of his people.

Even though Ezra did not directly commit the sins, he thought not to distance himself from them but rather sorrowfully bore responsibility for the sins of his people. Today, a lot of Christians are not even ready and willing to bear responsibility for their sins, much more the sins of their people. It is so unfortunate that a lot of people even though their ways are not right with God, still go about their affairs as if everything is fine.

God is always willing to accept our confessions and repentance; however, true repentance is not without brokenness and a sense of holy sorrow. If only we would bear responsibility and acknowledge our sins, there is a God who is ready to show us mercy.

Confession: O Lord, we are broken before You because of our sins, please have mercy upon us and our land.

Further Study: Jeremiah 3:24-25, Ezra 9:15, Psalm 66:18.

Be intentional. 

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