“Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed.”

Psalm 119:80


There is a need to understand why studying the Bible is so important. It is not so you will be able to speak ‘Christianese’ or recite Bible verses. It’s so the Word of God might come alive in you and empower you to understand and do the heart of God.
When we understand the end goal of studying the Bible, what happens is that we are not just satisfied with merely reading the words, or seeing it as a Christian duty, instead we see it as a necessity.

As a human in this world, your mind has been fed with so much nonsense that is normal in the world, and you have unconsciously believed that to be a normal way of life. Even when you become born again, though your Spirit is alive and in tune with Christ now, your mind is still unfruitful. Your mind doesn’t still see what is right.

This is where the Word of God and the Spirit of God come in. The Word shows you that those things you have believed all along to be normal are actually abnormal, and the Spirit breathes on the Word making it come alive and takes root in your Spirit and mind, and then your actions. The important of the Word of God for renewing our minds can neither be over-emphasized or underestimated.

Charge: You need a fruitful mind to live out a life of the Spirit. So, renew your mind.

Further Study: Deuteronomy 26:16-19, 1 John 2:28, Romans 12:1-2.

Stay renewed in Jesus,

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