”Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”
Ecclesiastes 12:13
Fear is something most of us want to avoid. But the “fear of the Lord” is good and necessary for believers. The Hebrew word translated as “fear” in Ecclesiastes 12:13 refers to a genuine reverence and respect for the Lord. To “fear God” is to realize His absolute greatness, immutable power, and justice.
We should not fear man but rather fear God. Those who fear God naturally want to obey Him and keep His commands. Many people see God’s commandments as heavy burdens—negative rules that keep us from doing what we want and having fun. But believers who fear God keep His commandments, and they realize that the outcome is always the best. When we fear the Lord, our actions conform to His instructions because we trust He loves us and wants what is best for us.
We have come to understand that His commands are loving instructions from a good and caring Father. God says, “Keep my commandments,” because He wants to bless us and keep us from trouble. If we fear God and keep His commandments, we’ve tapped into true wisdom that will guide us on the right path through life.
We fear God by worshiping Him with the utmost loyalty, respect, and honor; we obey His Word; and we keep an eternal perspective—these three pursuits define the ultimate purpose of our existence and our chief ambition in life.
Charge: The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
Further Study: Psalm 128:1, 1 John 5:2-3, Proverbs 9:10.
Stay blessed.