“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.”

James 1:12


Temptations are inevitable. Temptations are more like exams or test to our faith in God. Getting tried is normal for every believer, but what you do during these trying times is what matters most.

How do you take temptations? Do you fall into it? Do you persevere? Whatever action you take will determine your end result. Persevering and holding on to the word of God will help overcome temptations thereby getting rewarded with the crown of life.

While we go through different challenges and trials in this world, we should have it at the back of our mind that we have a price awaiting us in heaven. We shouldn’t for the pleasure of this world lose our eternity.

Confession: There’s a reward awaiting me, and I will not miss it for anything. 

Further Study: Romans 5:3-4

Happy new week!

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