“The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; The name of the God of Jacob defend thee”

Psalm 20:1

We serve a living God who can hear us when we pray. Our God is not deaf neither does He sleep. His hands are not shortened either.

No matter what you are going through, God is always available to help. Before you seek help from elsewhere, always remember that you have a God in heaven who doesn’t sleep nor slumber. A God who is capable of doing all things.

He knows your name and your every thought; He sees your fears and anxiety and He is aware of every tear that drop. He will never leave you for a second.

Even when you pass through fire, He promises to be there for you. When you go through the waters He is always there with You.  So, rest assured that today’s scripture is for you inasmuch as you believe and remain in Christ Jesus. 

Further study: Isaiah 50:7-9

Charge: God hears you when you call. Don’t stop calling Him. 

Remain blessed in Jesus.

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