“They that trust in the LORD Shall be as mount Zion, Which cannot be removed, But abideth for ever. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, So the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.”

Psalm 125:1-2

Total trust in the Lord is admitting our weaknesses and flaws. This shows humility and our inability to do things all by ourselves as humans.

Our bible passage today describes these people as Mount Zion that cannot be removed. This means that no matter how strong the whirlwind of the life is, no matter how the storm rises, no matter how harsh the economy is, it doesn’t matter what’s going on around them, they remain strong. Not because they have the ability to be strong but because they trust in the Lord with all their might.

They trust God enough not to fail them. And God, who is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him will never leave or forsake them.

Further Study: Proverbs 3:56

Confession: I put my trust in God.

Stay blessed.

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