“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”

1 Peter 5:8

Dear Christian, we are in a time of great sobriety and vigilance. Sobriety, because falling out of the way is not by measure of how long you have been a Christian. It is possible to be a Christian for 20 years and still be deceived.

Vigilance, because the devil is not coming after you in the obvious ways you are expecting. He will come in the areas you’ve dropped your guard. He will come in the areas that are close entwined with your service/love for God. We must watch very carefully.

Another reason to be sober and vigilant is the fact that the devil is not going to stop because you resisted him the first time. He will keep hovering until he sees a space he can jump in through. Make sure not to give him that space!

The Lord can keep you; however, you must be wholly submitted to His Word and His Spirit. Never do anything outside of these two. And ensure you always heed the Spirit’s voice and seek Him through prayer.

Further Study: 1 Peter 4:7
Charge: Never rely on the breakthroughs of yesterday as a reason for your standing in Christ. It is God that keeps! Be sober and watch!

Stay blessed.

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