“If any man comes to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple”.

Luke 14:26

Have you thought of Jesus’ sacrificial life and self-denial? He gave all up for us: His throne, royalty, honor, authority, dominion, and He died for our sins. If Christ could surrender all to God’s will, what can be too much for us to offer unto Jesus?

A disciple is a person who learns from another, especially one who teaches others. Jesus is called “Rabbi” which means “teacher”. Everyone who wants to be a disciple of Jesus must be prepared to learn from Him through His way, will, and word. The scripture today states that a disciple must deny self-gratification for God’s glorification. There’s a distinct character that qualifies someone to become a disciple of Jesus Christ and that is “selflessness”

From the scriptures, Luke 9:23, there’s a place of self-denial as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. This part of discipleship provokes a bountiful harvest of souls in the field of evangelism. May we live a life of selfless service to God and humanity in Jesus’ name (Amen).

Further study: Matthew 11:28-30

Thought for the day: Learn from Jesus Christ and His life of selfless service to God and humanity.

Stay blessed.

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