“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”

John 11:25-26

How can you live when you’re dead? How can you live forever? The answer is quite simple. It is through Jesus that we come to God, and it is our heavenly Father that gives us the resurrection power.

The power present in the resurrection and life of Jesus is such that if you were dead, you come to life. And as long as you believe, you never die.

The life Jesus speaks of here is the breath of the Almighty that is able to make what seemed dead live again. That includes your marriage, business, body, and emotions as well as everything that needs a supernatural touch. It also speaks about eternal life, where we would be given glorious bodies and abide with Jesus forevermore as opposed to damnation in hell.

To access all these, we simply have to believe in the Lord Jesus. Believe that He loves you and gave Himself for you. Believe in this life He offers, and watch how your entire life changes.

Further Study: John 3:16, John 10:28

Thought for the Day: There’s a beautiful life with Joy overflowing waiting for you in Christ Jesus.

Stay blessed.

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