Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.”

Titus 3:5

Isn’t it incredible that we don’t have to do anything to earn God’s love? What’s even more amazing is that we paid nothing in exchange for leaving our sins on the cross—we simply believed.

Walking with God involves understanding that we need to rely entirely on His grace, rather than on our perceived strength. It’s impossible to impress God with our efforts in our own power. Recognising this teaches us to look up to Him, rather than relying solely on our abilities.

Dear Christians, take advantage of the access you have to God. Let Him be your first point of contact—repeatedly.

Study: Romans 9:15-16

Action: Rely on God for your strength; only then can your effort count.

Stay blessed.

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