“The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”
Psalm 34:18.
You can’t fake brokenness. This is because brokenness goes beyond the outward displays that we might associate with it. It goes beyond tears, kneeling, etc. A broken heart is a surrendered heart. A heart that realises that it is at the mercy of God. A heart that realises that it can do nothing without God, and one that recognizes God as Lord.
However, it is quite impossible to attain this heart position without exposure to God’s presence. This is because it is in God’s presence our true form is revealed, and it is where we receive Grace to surrender.
When brokenness happens, it is painful because this process leads to the death of ego, pride and rights. However, the beauty of brokenness is the fact that it brings us closer to the Lord. It ensures that we see the Lord clearly and that we obey. And there’s nothing more beautiful than a man to whom the Lord is close.
Charge: God is the most beautiful gift a man can have. If a broken and contrite heart leads you closer to him, then do not run away from the process that leaves you broken before God.
Further Study: Psalm 51:17, 145:18; Isaiah 57:15, 66:2; Ezekiel 36:26.