“But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.”

Matthew 10:30-31

God never leaves you by yourself. He is never unconcerned about what happens to you. He values you far beyond how you value yourself. Indeed, God cares for you. He is compassionate when you’re hurt, He is touched with your grief, and He desires greatly to love you by taking your burden, and giving you peace, joy, and an everlasting heritage by His side.

Sometimes, we forget that we are children of a God that never gives up on us. We forget that we are children of a God that tells us to come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace in time of our need.
We often forget that we are children of a God that goes before us to make our paths straight. A God that cares so much for us that He fights our battles even before we’re aware of their existence.

Dear Child of God, your Father loves you. Allow Him to love you by opening yourself to Him. He cares for you. Discover this by surrendering to Him and listening to His words. He wants the best for you. Trust Him enough to obey His every word. Allow God to love you.

Charge: God cares so deeply for you. Realise this, and understand that you are never without help.

Further Study: Luke 12:22-34, Matthew 6:25-34.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you.

    We have a father that loves us unconditionally. It’s so amazing to have someone like Him to lean on.

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