“And the Lord makes you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you.”

1 Thessalonians 3:12

Jesus demonstrated His love to us by willingly accepting to die for us on the cross. He sacrificed His blood for us—an expensive sacrifice. He paid for all our wrongs, which He did not owe. He did all these out of love. He expressed His Love for us on the cross so that we will also replicate it to others—even to our enemies.

Jesus did not demonstrate His Love on the cross to only Christians, but to all—including those who persecuted Him. As a child of God, you are to love your enemies and those who hate you (Matthew 5:44). Loving only those who love you does not make any difference between you and the unbelievers—John 15:18—because the world love only those who love them. It is not easy to demonstrate love as God commanded us in this evil world. Hence, the reason Paul, in today’s scripture, prayed for the Thessalonians to increase and abound in love.

You must fervently pray for the spirit of love, so that you can abound in love. Be intentional to show love to someone daily, if not in kind, your words can bring healing, joy or peace of mind to someone who is troubled.

Charge: Love is the greatest commandment, spread it evenly.
Further Study: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.

Happy Sunday.

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