“For now do I persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ”

Galatians 1:10

This is a crucial question all Christians must ask themselves: Do you seek to please men or God? In today’s world, many Christians, due to circumstances, compromise their values or deny their faith in exchange for acceptance, favour, or material gain. Whether it’s to gain approval, avoid conflict, or secure opportunities. Paul’s example in Galatians 1:10 challenges us to reflect on our motivations. Are we living for the praise of people, or are we staying true to God’s truth, even when it’s difficult?

Seeking to please men often results in compromise and inconsistency in our walk with Christ. Many believers, driven by the desire for money, influence, or personal gain, sometimes neglect their commitment to God, choosing instead to please those in positions of power or authority.

This leads to a weakened faith and a life that no longer reflects the principles of Christ. As Christians, our highest calling is to serve God, prioritising His approval above all else. This requires courage, faith, and the determination to stand for truth, even when it means standing alone. Our loyalty or commitment to Christ should guide every choice we make, no matter the cost.

Charge: Never seek to please man; no matter how difficult it is, learn to please only God.

Further Study: 1 Thessalonians 2:4-6, Acts 5:29.

Stay blessed.

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