“Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God”.
Job 37:14
In the midst of life’s chaos, we are often tempted to rush, worry, and take control. Yet, God calls us to do the opposite. This verse encourages us to pause, reflect, and marvel at God’s mighty deeds. In a world that values busyness and constant productivity, standing still may feel counterintuitive.
However, it is in moments of stillness that we can recognize God’s sovereignty, cultivate gratitude, gain perspective, and experience true peace.
Practical Steps to Stand Still
1. Schedule daily quiet time with God.
2. Take breaks from technology and social media.
3. Practice mindfulness and meditate on Scripture.
4. Observe nature, recognizing and appreciating God’s handiwork.
Charge: Take a moment today to stand still, and let God’s work awe you.
Further Study: Romans 8:28, Psalm 23.
Stay blessed.