“They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.”

John 8:4.

Are you a sinner condemned by others? Do you know Jesus is still waiting for you? When you run to Him, He is ready to disappoint your accusers. Truthfully, Jesus loves you, but He despises sin itself. You can be certain of His unwavering care and sacrifice for your salvation. He has done everything to secure your forgiveness. He bore your sins, tore the veil between you and God, paid for all your sins with His life, and bestowed grace to free you from sin’s power.

Indeed, Jesus loves you, but He simply asks that you accept His grace and allow it to work within you. He asks that you discard the garment of sin that renders His sacrifice futile over you. Failure to do this attracts condemnation from the devil.

Whereas, no condemnation awaits you if you allow Jesus. Just as He didn’t condemn the woman caught in adultery but forgave her, He forgives you. Yet, He adds, “Go and sin no more” (John 8:11).

Understand that His call to “sin no more” is not empty. He means it, and He provides the grace for us to live without sin. Hence, stop taking His love for granted.

Study Romans 8; John 8:1-11

Action: Flee from whatever separates you from God and embrace His grace with humility.

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Stay blessed!

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