“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
Today, God is as much concerned about relieving us of heavy yokes and burdens the same way He was in years past. Sometimes, we don’t even know how heavy a load can be until we’re offered help.
Our Bible verse today teaches us that Jesus Christ has open arms that constantly receive those who are wearied and tired, and the interesting thing about our Lord is that His hands never get filled, nor too busy to tend to our loads no matter how much they are.
For everyone whose peace has been stolen due to debt and replaced with constant worries, Jesus extends to you an invitation today to allow Him to give you rest. The peace He gives is not like the one given by the world. It is long-lasting, durable, and has no greater demand to exchange for. Unlike Satan who’d request more and worse than he has given.
Charge: Jesus has laid before you a banquet of love where peace, freedom, and eternal joy reign. Come and stay!
Further Study: Joshua 1:13; Isaiah 40:29-31; Jeremiah 6:16.