“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”
Philippians 4:4.
“For what reason would I rejoice at all times when everything around me speaks of chaos?” you may ask. Believers do not have their treasures stored in earthly vessels, and this is why we look beyond what is happening around us.In reality, our heritage lies in the spiritual realm—in the bosom of the Father—and that is our true reality.
Those who draw joy from worldly possessions and wealth do not possess what is genuine and sustainable to run the race without compromise. In the long run, their faith and strength fail when tested. Our joy comes directly from God, and when He dwells in our hearts, we will always find a reason to rejoice.
It is not about the verdict of the law or the declaration of a doctor over your health that defines your response. What God has commanded is: “Rejoice always.” That is what matters. Jesus is in the boat, right beside you. He wants you to be comforted by His presence, even though the raging storm appears threatening. He invites you to see through Him the provision made available and hear His gentle whisper, “Fear not,” guiding you to trust in His embrace.
Charge: When you rejoice in the face of devastation, you’ll have greater control over the situation than when you respond in panic.
Further Study: Psalm 16:11; Habakkuk 3:17-18; Luke 10:20; 2 Corinthians 6:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.