“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17
A fresh start simply means to begin anew. An instant and sincere decision to follow Christ till the end can be termed “A new way of living.” A life driven by fulfilling selfish desires and the lust of the flesh does not align with God’s standard of righteousness.
Whenever someone surrenders their life to Jesus Christ, they choose to live a life driven by the Holy Spirit. We can call it a God-centered life aimed at living with eternity in view. This new life is only found in Jesus Christ, and it opposes the old way of living. Therefore, our choice to surrender and follow Jesus Christ influences our way of life. We approach life anew with a renewed, transformed and corrected mindset.
As a new creature in Christ, we do not live for ourselves but walk in partnership with the Holy Spirit. Are you united with Christ? If your response to the question is No, say this prayer: “Lord Jesus, I commit my life to your hands and surrender my all to you. Come and make my heart your dwelling place. Amen.”
Charge: Anyone united with Christ gets a fresh start—a new beginning.
Further Study: Colossians 3:1-10.
Happy first Sunday, friend. May you receive the strength, grace, wisdom, determination, and understanding to start anew in Jesus’ name. Amen.