“Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.”

Revelation 22:7


“Behold I come quickly…”

Dear Christian, it is dangerous for you to ignore the “quickly” that was attached to Christ’s coming simply because many years and generations have passed since it was said.

We must fight the temptation to relax and forget simply because the promise appears to tarry. One thing is certain: the way God released Word to His prophets about the birth and death of Jesus – long before He came, and every single one was fulfilled – is the same way every promise that has been given concerning the coming of Christ will be fulfilled.

Every sign, except for very few, has been fulfilled already, and while we work towards the command to reach everyone in the world with the gospel, the day draws nearer and nearer.

Jesus is coming soon, dear believer. Prepare for His coming by growing in righteousness and reaching the lost.

Charge: Don’t be left behind. Repent while you can, NOW!
Further Study: Revelation 3:11.

Remain prepared.

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