“And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.”

Joel 2:32


It is wonderful to note that today’s scripture is one of great comfort and hope. It is even more encompassing because it is as many as would call on the name of the Lord. This shows us that our God is not a respecter of persons, if you need help, then all you have to do is to come to Him and ask.

However, we must stay inside the ark of safety. The Bible also says that “upon Mount Zion, there shall be deliverance… God is more than ready and willing to deliver us, but He will not do it under our terms. Therefore, it is our responsibility to ask ourselves this question: ‘Are you in Mount Zion?’

The next time you find yourself in that difficult situation, remember that it is whosoever shall call upon Him that He will answer, and that includes you. And don’t forget to remain in Zion, a holy life in Christ Jesus.

Further Study: Obadiah 1:17

Charge: The Lord is always nigh to all them that call upon Him in truth.

Have a glorious day.

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