“And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience”

Romans 5:3

Today’s word is revealed to us as a form of encouragement for every child of God. Most times, we tend to rejoice whenever we receive good news or something pleasing happens to us. Have we noticed the countenance of some believers when they hear or receive bad news? It is not appealing or satisfactory, though humans expect such reactions when something terrible occurs. Yet, as believers who live everyday of their lives replicating the lifestyle of Jesus, we are expected to be joyful when faced with problems or troubles.

Jesus also wept when he heard of the death of Lazarus but He gave thanks to God at the entrance of his tomb. Do you remember the story of Paul and Silas when they prayed and praised God in the prison? Great joy filled their hearts even in that situation when it seemed like they were forsaken.

Beloved, negative situations or tribulations should not rob you of your joy in God. Every event in life is fulfilling God’s divine purpose either in a positive or negative way. We should always give glory to God in the midst of any of these experiences.

“Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3. May the Lord help us to be joyful always in Jesus’ name. Amen

Further Study: Acts 16:22-40

Charge: Stay hopeful, patient, grateful and joyful in God.

Happy Sunday.

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