“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”

1 Peter 5:7

While growing up, we had people who watched over us and cared for us. These people might be our parents or family members or even strangers. These set of people cared about all that concerned us. They fed us at the right time, clothed us well and made sure we were doing fine according to their capacities.

After reaching adulthood and we are on our own, it can be difficult to see someone that truly cares about us. Most times, we have to provide our needs ourselves because it is believed that we are mature enough.

However, our God is a Father! He forever cares about us even when we reach adulthood. Even in adulthood, we are still His beloved children. 

Today, you should cast all your cares on Him. Let Him know your challenges, He is exceedingly able to do it all.

Dearly Beloveds, the truth is that God cares about you and doesn’t like it when you suffer or lack anything good. So, why not cast your cares upon Him today?

Further reading: Matthew 7:11

Thoughts for the day: Rest in God and watch Him handle all your cares.

Stay blessed.

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