But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations 

Revelation 2:25-26‬‬‬

God has designed man as an entity full of gifts, potentials, talents, and authority alongside various spiritual packages.

The serpent knew what God had deposited into the lives of Adam and Eve, hence the deceit to displace and steal from them. Thanks be to God for His redemptive plan through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Our scripture for today admonishes us to hold fast to what God has entrusted into our hands. It further stated a salient but important word, “overcomes” which has been ignored most times in the journey of faith. Yes, Christ has given us victory, but we need to practically exercise this authority over the devil.

The Bible reminds us of the works of the devil in the book of John 10:10. Christ has overcome the world but as believers, we must live with this knowledge in the world. The world, devil, and all that are on earth seek to rob us of our eternal reward but we are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us.

Further study: Revelation 3:11

Thought for the day: We must keep God’s works in us which is “our faith” till the end.

Stay blessed.

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