“The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; The world, and they that dwell therein.”

Psalm 24:1 

I recall a popular song that asked if we know who we are in Christ. Dear Christian, “Do you know who you are?” “Do you know that which you have been given?” Even more importantly, “Do you know who your Father is?” The truth is, if we know the true answers to these questions, we would never let anything bring us down to a place of shame or hopelessness.

It is in understanding that your Father is the creator of the universe, and He has given you the power to receive whatever you desire of Him according to His riches in glory, thats makes you live like the child of the King.

Stop accepting realities that have not been put in place by your Father. Seek His promises! Understand them! Insist on them! Do not live like you do not have a God who can call forth things that be not to being!

Dear Child of God, own your heritage!

Further Study: 1 John 3:22-23.

Thought for the day: Check the Lord’s promises to you. Which of them leaves you poor, helpless and without hope? If there is none, but your reality shows these states, then something is not right. Insist on your Godly heritage. Ask of the Lord, but be sure you’re not the cause of the dilemma.

Stay blessed.

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