“Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee.”

Jonah 3:2

God’s commands are usually ones that throw us far out of our comfort zones. And because our flesh isn’t comfortable with these instructions, most times, we want to run away.

The reasons we run away might be because we just do not agree with what God is saying in that moment (like Jonah), or because we feel the task is beyond our capacity (this is a time we must remember that our capacity is actually found in God himself), or because we just don’t want to make the required sacrifice.

Dear Christian, no matter what you feel, the worst thing you can do is to run away from something God is calling you to into. If you feel incapable, understand that nothing from God is within your strength, anyways, and God won’t allow us go through situations alone. Hence, lean on Him!

If the problem is your flesh, surrender again and again until flesh is subdued. And if the reason is because you do not quite agree with God, stay in His presence until your thoughts align with His. Ask for his wisdom and love to handle things in His ways.

Whatever you do, you must always go at His command; attempts to run only leave you going in circles.

Further Study: Isaiah 40:31, 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Thought for the day: Follow God.

Stay blessed.

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