“Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.”

Proverbs 16:3

Are you aware of the incredible privilege we have in Christ? Our God is a wonder-working God, and when we allow Him to work in us, we experience mind-blowing benefits. Such a privilege!

The secret to establishment lies in committing everything to the Lord with unwavering trust. But this is where it gets hard because we humans always want to retain some measure of control. We always want to be able to say: “I did this and this happened.” And since committing it to God means letting go of our worries or even the knowledge of how these things shall be, it can be quite difficult. While it may be challenging for us to relinquish control and worry, doing so is the surest path to true establishment. Nonetheless, work plays a crucial role in this process.

Do you desire the right life partner? Tell your Father and entrust it to Him. Facing career dilemmas? Take them to the Lord. Rest in Him, wait patiently, and avoid envy. God has promised and He will fulfill it. Commit your ways to Him, and He will establish you. Shalom!

Study Psalm 37.

Action: Take the step of faith to completely trust God concerning that situation and believe He will do it.

Feel free to share your thoughts, and for additional resources to support your spiritual growth, click here.

Have a blessed day!

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One Comment

  1. God is interested in every aspect of our life. When we commit our ways to Him, it shows that we want Him to take the lead in our life and that is indeed the surest path to success. Thank you.

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