Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.” Hosea 6:1

I believe the church service you attended last was beautiful. Or perhaps you sat in the pews, counting time, waiting until it was time to go home. You can’t remember the last time the Lord felt close because apart from church services and hurriedly muttered prayers, there’s nothing more for you in the place of fellowship.

You’re a Christian, but you also make sure everyone around you understands they cannot mess with you. You’re in church, but a part of you doubts if God really cares about you. You can only see the bad circumstances around you, the seemingly unanswered prayers. You’re a bit worn out and tired.

You’re tired of your mistakes. You’re tired of failing every time. Or maybe everything in the physical is working out, but you’re tired of being restricted by church and the things of God — you just want to do your own thing.

There is one facet of God’s character I want you to hold close to your heart: it is the fact that He is a God who can turn the worst situation into the most beautiful. He turns ashes into beauty, broken into beloved, discarded into sought after. Most of all, He gives Himself and His love so absolutely that the bad days lose their significance.

I invite you to hold on to God and ask Him for Himself. I invite you to pray for the hunger the Holy Ghost gives that makes you unable to be satisfied with doing religion and not knowing Christ. I invite you to return with a seeking heart, a hungry soul, and a song in your mouth that says: “Fill my cup, Lord! Fill it up and make me whole.”


Lord, teach my heart to seek You. Help me never to be satisfied with anything that’s not you. Father, help me understand that your arms are always open to me in the name of Jesus. Amen.

This message serves as a reminder of God’s love and guidance in our lives. May it enrich your spiritual journey. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. For more resources to support your spiritual growth, click here.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

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