“And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”

Mark 4:39

We are all conversant with the story of how Jesus Christ calmed the storm. He and the disciples were on a boat and a storm of wind arose. With their knowledge of Jesus Christ, they shouldn’t have been afraid because they knew the power Christ possessed. But they were afraid, even with the fact that He was on the boat with them.

Many of us today are just like the disciples, we get anxious and worked up in the face of slight difficulties, forgetting that Christ is on this boat of life with us. He will not be on the boat with you and watch you sink. No matter how bad the situation is, He can command peace. All you need to do is call on Him. He said in the book of Matthew 28:18 “…All power is given unto me in heaven and earth”. This is to establish that no matter the situation you find yourself in, He has the power to command peace.

We should also note that we also have this power to command peace into our difficulty because He has given us the power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt us. (Luke 10:19)

So, when that trouble arises again, don’t forget to cast your troubles/fears/worries/anxiety on Him, because He cares about you. You have the power in your words too—the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you as a believer. And He won’t be on the boat with you and watch you drown in your problems. He will command peace.


Thank you Father for this reminder and the eye-opening message. This day, I declare peace in my family, finances, academics, home and everything that concerns me, because I have the authority of Christ in me. Amen.

This is our message for today. May this message bless you on your spiritual journey. Please share your thoughts in the comments below, and click here for more resources to support your spiritual growth.

Have a wonderful day!

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