Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

Acts 4:13

Can you be with Jesus so much that you begin to look like Him? That you begin to talk like Him? That something about you just begins to give off His scent? Is that possible?

The truth is yes, it is. It is possible to stay so much with Jesus in fellowship, in His word, and consistent obedience, that you do not even need to open your mouth before those around you conclude you must know Jesus. Even those who know nothing about Jesus will just know that there’s something different about you.

You may talk and laugh with them, but even in the midst of that, they will still know. Is that not a worthy goal? Is it not one of the most beautiful goals anyone could have? To be like Jesus.

Imagine a life where God is the one who backs you in a way that is so obvious that people begin to say, “It is God that runs things for her/him”; “I don’t know how she/he does it, but it’s obvious there’s something bigger than her at work.”

This is a beautiful testimony, and one that is very much possible. But will you surrender completely so it comes to pass? Will you bless the one who hurts you deeply? Will you ignore that distraction and sit with God with a heart that just wants to know His ways? Will you obey even in the times you look absolutely foolish? Will you stay until He comes? Will you wait upon Him? Will you go to Him with a heart that does not care for material things if He is not involved? Will you?


1. Lord, I want to be like Jesus in words, in actions and in my heart. Please, help me.

2. Help me, Lord, to constantly follow your way, and bring me to a place of total surrender. Amen.

This is our first message for today. May this message bless you on your spiritual journey. Please share your thoughts in the comments below, and click here for more resources to aid in your spiritual growth. 

Have a pleasant day!

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