“In him was life; and the life was the light of men.“
Over two thousand years ago, during the incarnation of Jesus Christ, He asked His own disciples, “Whom do men say that I, the son of man, am?” Similar question as this has been asked over and over after the ascension of Jesus Christ.
The Bible gives us a very clear answer that Jesus Christ isn’t merely a prophet, messenger, or godly teacher. It has been stated that He is the Son of the Living God. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of the Most High God (John 3:16), and He is the giver of life because He is life Himself (John14:6).
We need Jesus Christ for diverse reasons. One of the sole reason is for Him to forgive our sins. The Bible makes it expressly clear to us that Christ died for us even while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8), and there is absolutely no other name given under heaven by which men must be saved except the name Jesus Christ, Acts 4:12.
We also need Jesus physically, too. The Bible describes Him as the friend who sticks closer than a brother. He is the best friend anyone can ever have. The life which Jesus gives is not just a temporal life, it is not a life that will go away with time, no! Jesus Christ offers eternal life.
With Jesus Christ, someone’s eternity is guaranteed. If you are living a life without accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, you are living a terribly limited life—because you’re not living your life with eternity in view—and by so doing, you’re toying with your eternity. I pray God reach out to such category of people today!
Challenge: Who is Jesus Christ to you?
Our dear Redeemer, thank you for always teaching me your word. Thank you dying for me even when I wasn’t born. Please, forgive me for not living based on your sacrifice for my life. Please, help me to know you more and live every day intentionally for you. Holt Spirit, help me to know you more; please, come and quench the thirst of my soul till I want no more. Amen in Jesus’ name
This is our first message for today. May this message bless you on your spiritual journey. Please share your thoughts in the comments below, and click here for more resources to aid in your spiritual growth.
Have a pleasant day!