“So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God.”


It’s wonderful how the bible is a compilation of everything we need to know in our walk with God. Do you want to love God? Good, then keep His commandments. (John 14:15). Do you want to receive? Great, then give. (Luke 6:38) Do you want to please God? Beautiful, then have faith. (Hebrew 11:6)

Jesus was pleased numerous times as a result of man’s faith (Luke 7:9), and this was also one thing that made him distressed (Mark 4:40, Mark 9:19).
God places a great emphasis on our belief in Him. He wants us to know Him enough to recognize that His words are true, and that come what may, He can be trusted.

Be that woman with the issue of blood who believed so much in God, that she accessed healing just by a touch. Be like Abraham who believed so much in the word of the Lord that he took decisions that had no natural backing other than “the Lord said”.

Have Faith; and it’s okay to begin with faith like a mustard seed because even that can move mountains. But grow in faith. The only way to grow in something is to do that thing. Take the first step of faith, then the second, and what happens is that your faith is increased for the third, and the fourth, and the fifth. But your faith cannot increase if you refuse to trust God in the first place.

Faith comes by hearing, so feed on the word of God. Listen to testimonies. Deliberately surround yourself with the Word of God, and see what happens.
Have Faith in God.


1. Lord, please, increase my faith and remove every atom of doubt in my life.

2. Father, strengthen me so that my faith doesn’t fail.

3. I pray for everyone who has returned to their past because of lack of faith in you, that they retrace their steps to you in Jesus’ name.

This is our message for today. May this message bless you on your spiritual journey. Please share your thoughts in the comments below, and click here for more resources to aid in your spiritual growth.

Have a pleasant day!

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