“Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.”

Hebrew 12:15

We often do not realise what the ripple effect and long term consequences of bitterness really are. Perhaps that’s why we don’t care to do all we can to pull it out when we notice it sprouting its roots in our hearts. Bitterness is like a drop of poison in a glass of water. No matter how pure the water is, just that drop of poison makes it deadly.

Bitterness clouds your judgement and even makes you sabotage yourself. It takes away your peace, and ensures that you have no joy. Even though it feels like the feeling of bitterness is against someone else, because they are not worth forgiving, it is actually you who suffers from losses as a result. So, avoid bitterness at all costs. Do not let it take its root in you, and let go of hurts quickly.

If you realise that you have been holding on to bitterness (for whatever reason), turn to God for help. First, ask Him to help your heart be willing to let go and forgive. Then ask Him to help you love the person and see them as He does. Also, obey the Holy Spirit. He might ask you to do some favour for them which you don’t think they deserve. Do it anyway. Take the initiative to find opportunities to deliberately and actively love them.

Charge: Make a conscious decision to never let bitterness fester.

Further Study: 2 John 1:8, Matthew 5:38-48, Luke 6:27-36, 1 John 4:7-12.

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