“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:9

There are times when the root of grudges we hold is based on the fact that we do not yet fully understand God’s ability to completely forgive and erase our sins. But dear Christian, you must understand that when the Lord forgives you, He doesn’t even remember or associate you with that sin anymore. It is almost like you have a clean slate where it appears like you never committed any wrong.

That’s the power of God’s forgiveness! He forgives you and He cleanses you. It is so deep that if you came to Him wearing filthy rags, He forgives you and then gives you a clean, spotless clothing to wear. We must never underestimate or take for granted the Lord’s willingness to forgive us.

We must also never forget the price that was paid to make forgiveness possible—the blood of Jesus. If you were bought with so high a price, why do you then wallow in guilt? Why do you think what you have done is too big for the Lord to forgive and cleanse.
Run to Him now. Come boldly to the throne of Grace and seek Mercy. Be unashamed about coming to your Father.

Charge: Never hesitate to come to God for mercy. He’s the only one who can cleanse you.

Further Study: Psalm 32:5, Proverbs 28:13, Jeremiah 33:8.

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