“Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.”

Psalm 119:11

To accommodate God’s Word in our hearts means to allow it to take deep root within us, influencing every aspect of our lives. To the Psalmist, the Word of God has become a stronghold in his heart that safeguards him from sin. To accommodate the word in our heart is not just to have a head knowledge of the scripture; rather, it’s about letting it transform our thoughts, attitudes, and actions.

God’s Word has the power to shape us. When we meditate on it regularly, it serves as a guide through life’s challenges. It brings clarity in moments of confusion, and strength when we are weak. By memorizing, meditating and reflecting on the truth of God’s Word, we make room for it to dwell richly within us. Hallelujah!

But accommodating God’s Word doesn’t stop at memorization. It involves application—which entails living according to the principles God has given us. When we internalize His commands, our lives become a reflection of His love and grace. Jesus taught us that those who hear God’s Word and put it into practice are like a wise builder who builds on a solid foundation. As we accommodate His Word, we are building a life that is strong, tenacious, and pleasing to God.

Charge: Let’s commit today to making space for God’s Word, and it will shape us from the inside out.

Further Study: Matthew 7:24-27; Psalm 40:8; Psalm 119:25-35.

Remain blessed in His Word.

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