“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”

Matthew 5:8

Purity of heart is important for those who desire to draw nearer to God. A pure heart is free from corruption, filled with love for the Lord, and fully committed to His ways.

The story of Demas is a powerful reminder of the importance of a pure heart. He once worked alongside Apostle Paul and spread the Gospel, but he eventually fell away, drawn by the distractions of the world. His heart was not fully devoted to God, and this led him astray.

Purity of heart enables us to see God—not just in the life to come, but in the daily moments of grace, in His guidance, and in the fulfilment of His promises. When we love the Lord sincerely, we experience His presence in a deeper, more meaningful way. Seek purity, for in it lies the blessing of seeing God.

Confession: Lord, give me the grace to have a pure heart.

Furthers Study
: Philippians 4:8-9

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