“Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering.”

Colossians 3:12

As Christians, believing that the Trinity dwells within us opens us up to boundless possibilities and gifts. Some of these gifts include meekness, love, peace, and longsuffering. While we have freely received these gifts, exercising them depends on our consciousness and intentional partnership with the Holy Spirit. Today, we focus on the theme of being clothed with meekness, along with other spiritual gifts. The best definition of meekness is being submissive and humble.

As Christians, we must have hearts that are willing and ready to submit to God at all times, as well as to our brethren in the Lord. The mindset of “nobody can correct me except God” is not for Christians at all. We must be humble enough to recognize when God is trying to correct something in our lives, even if He does so through a 5-year-old.

Being clothed with meekness depends on our readiness and willingness to embrace it. Just as we consciously put on clothes to cover our bodies, we must also intentionally put on the meekness within us by constantly engaging with the Word and aligning with the Holy Spirit.

Confession: I receive the grace to walk in meekness through the Holy Spirit.

Further Study: 2 Peter 1:5-8

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