“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.”

2 Timothy 4:3

Sound doctrine is the pure, wholesome truth of Scripture. Unfortunately, many today turn away from this truth in favor of secular philosophies and an unbiblical worldview. Bible prophecies are often ignored, twisted, or replaced with extra-biblical teachings, leading people toward a socialite gospel focused more on worldly purpose than godly truth.

We must be on guard against false teachers, doctrines of demons, and a fascination with angels and other unscriptural teachings that infiltrate the Christian faith. These distractions can easily pull us away from the truth. It is also important to avoid the habit of jumping from one preacher to another. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in discerning whom to listen to, and always approach teachings with discernment.

The best way to sharpen this discernment is by personally studying God’s Word with a heart open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Let us commit to studying the Scriptures diligently, embracing the full counsel of God, so that we are not led astray in these increasingly deceptive and godless times.

Charge: Be rooted in sound doctrine.

Further Study: Isaiah 30:9-11, Deuteronomy 32:20

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One Comment

  1. Thank you.
    God has given us what it takes to follow him in the right path. We will do ourselves a world of good if we stick to God’s word and the Holy Spirit.

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