“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”

Ephesians 4:32

One of the best ways to see any human is through God’s eyes. When we see people through God’s eyes, we are able to love them like He does and understand them better. While extending mercy to others does not mean encouraging bad behaviour, it means relating with people from a place of tenderheartedness, instead of anger and derision—irrespective of their mistakes.

Though this is quite difficult to do in a world full of offences, it is still possible. It is quite humbling to realise that we might be hindering God’s hand of mercy in our own lives by refusing to extend mercy to others. We should also understand that most times, having a merciful heart simply means paying attention to others—being affectionate.

Do not let the hustle and bustle of the world make you ignore the suffering of others. Where you can help, put forth a helping hand. In absence of tangible help, say words of prayer. As Christians, we have been called to carry the burdens of others (Romans 15:1-4), and we must never let anything make us forget that.

Charge: Be merciful unto others, as Christ is merciful unto you.

Further Study: James 2:13, Luke 6:36-37.

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