“A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.”

Proverbs 18:7

If the Bible tells us that the things that come out of our mouth are enough to lead us to destruction, then we must pause and reflect on the things we say. We must also realise that this is not metaphorical at all. The way you use your mouth can destroy you in seconds.  Imagine a person spewing insults at someone without knowing how powerful they are. The next thing that happens is that they get thrown into prison.

Beyond this, a loose mouth can make you lose opportunities, bear false witness, and sin against God. But your mouth doesn’t just affect your physical conditions, it affects the spiritual, too. The words you speak shape your realities, and most times, certain things we face happen because we gave our approval with the things we spoke.

As a Christian, you must never have a fool’s mouth. Be slow to speak, and let the wisdom of God permeate your speech. Speak only things that give life, and never agree with the devil with your mouth or your speech. Do not use words that do not edify simply because they are slang or because everybody else is saying them. Be careful with what you permit your lips to say.

Charge: Give your lips wholly to righteous words.
Further Study: Proverbs 13:3, Proverbs 12:13, Ecclesiastes 10:11-14.

Stay guided.

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