“And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said unto him, Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.”

Genesis 31:24

The story of Laban and Jacob tells of the height and length to which wicked men can go to ensure you die in servitude. We saw the struggle between Jacob and his father-in-law, and how the latter tried to lay a claim to the blessings of God upon Jacob even though an agreement had been earlier set in motion.

Today, there are still men like Laban in positions of power and authority who would do anything to ensure you remain just the way you are and beneath them. But the good news is God has a way of defending His own. We serve a God who is the voice of the voiceless and would go to any length to defend those who cannot defend themselves.

The confidence we have is that God is ever ready to go ahead of us to defend us; and some times, He does it through a dream. He will defend us against all our oppressors; however, we have to commit ourselves and all that we have in His care first.

Charge: Those who commit themselves to God are never defenseless.
Further Study: Psalm 105:14-15; Genesis 20

Happy weekend, folks.

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