“So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.”

Hebrews 9:28

There’s no bigger privilege for the Christians than the fact that Jesus came to earth and died for our sins. In His coming, we got a saviour who modelled a graceful life and revealed the possibilities in the kingdom of God.

Thank God Christ came! Thank God He chose the suffering of the cross for the sake of me and you. Thank God!

But, there’s more. He’s returning again. He wants to come and take His saints and reign with them. He’s coming to reward all those who have not taken His coming and His death for granted. He is coming!

Are you prepared? Because your works will be weighed. And should His coming meet you unprepared, that would have drastic consequences.

As beautiful as His coming would be, as finally getting to see Jesus is a mind-blowing concept, it would also signify an end of chances and grace as you know it now, should it meet you unprepared.

So, even as you celebrate His coming today. Remember why He came, and ensure His coming has not been in vain in your life.

Further Study: John 3:16

Thought for the day: May we all get to celebrate with Jesus on the day He comes back for us. May we be ready! Amen.

Merry Christmas, Beloved.

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