The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.”

Ephesians 1:18


There’s a song that resonates with the phrase, “Show me things hidden that I may not labor in vain.” It emphasizes the essentiality for Christians to have clear vision.

As believers, we cannot afford to be blind, for any effort expended outside our designated calling yields no fruitful results. Engaging in work that bears no significance is an outcome none of us should encounter. Just as in the physical realm, when embarking on a quest for gold or any natural resource, the initial step involves surveying the area with detecting equipment to identify the appropriate location to dig.

Similarly, in the spiritual realm, our ability to perceive is crucial. Without clear vision, we become like aimless diggers, hopelessly searching for something without direction. Failing to grasp the magnitude of what eludes us, we remain vulnerable to the enemy’s mockery as we struggle to comprehend.

May the eyes of our understanding be illuminated, granting us profound knowledge and insight. Let the light of revelation guide our path, eradicating aimlessness and ushering in clarity.


  1. Lord, open my eyes that I might see in the way you want me to see.
  2. Help me understand, Lord. Let there be light in every area of my life that does not seem to align with your word and truth.
  3. Heavenly Father, please let your mercy open the eyes of the multitude in the church to see what you want us to see for the glorification of your name. Amen.

This is our message for today. May this message bless you on your spiritual journey. Please share your thoughts in the comments below, and click here for more resources to aid in your spiritual growth.

Have a pleasant day!

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  1. Amen in Jesus’ Mighty Name to all the prayers.

    “Without clear vision, we become like aimless diggers, hopelessly searching for something without direction.”

    Without clear vision, we’d remain in darkness and become lost unknowingly to us because we do/engage in worldly things even though those things may not appear worldly. We’d think we’re still standing firm; not knowing we had fallen.

    May Holy Spirit ????️ interpret His Word to us better in Jesus’ Mighty Name, AMEN.

    More Grace and Anointing in Jesus’ Mighty Name, AMEN.

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